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use jar file + Dynamic values into the loop counter - Jmeter

I want use improved version of: Jmeter - How to loop data based on the 'jar' file

//jar data

public class PabBDetailsIncluded {

public static String ARGENTINA(String sourceAccount)
        String a = 
                + "\"money\": {"
                + "\"amount\": 10,"
                + "\"currency\": \"EUR\""
                + "},"
                + "\"description\": \"Payment\","
                + "\"sourceAccount\": " + sourceAccount + ","
                + "}"
                + "}";
        return a;
  1. with above data i want to 'feed' Jmeter call

just instead of all values to be static from the jar file, i want to pass 'sourceAccount' during the execution, rather then being hard-coded into the jar file.

  1. i tell loop counter to count with: ${__groovy(com.example.TestData.getDeclaredMethods().size(),)}

  2. into JSR223 PreProcessor "Script" area is like:

     import com.example.PabBDetailsIncluded;

    def sourceAccount = vars.get("accountNumberLogger");

    def testData = new com.example.PabBDetailsIncluded() def methods = testData.class.getDeclaredMethods(sourceAccount) def payload = org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.MethodUtils.invokeExactMethod(testData, methods[vars.get('__jm__Loop Controller__idx') as int].getName()) sampler.addNonEncodedArgument('',payload,'') sampler.setPostBodyRaw(true)

The error i got is:

2019-11-13 09:55:00,099 ERROR o.a.j.m.JSR223PreProcessor: Problem in JSR223 script, JSR223 PreProcessor1 javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static com.example.PabBDetailsIncluded.getDeclaredMethods() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [5001000001573300]  at org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.eval( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]  at org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyCompiledScript.eval( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]   at javax.script.CompiledScript.eval(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_231]  at org.apache.jmeter.util.JSR223TestElement.processFileOrScript( ~[ApacheJMeter_core.jar:4.0 r1823414]   at org.apache.jmeter.modifiers.JSR223PreProcessor.process( [ApacheJMeter_components.jar:4.0 r1823414]    at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.runPreProcessors( [ApacheJMeter_core.jar:4.0 r1823414]  at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage( [ApacheJMeter_core.jar:4.0 r1823414]  at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler( [ApacheJMeter_core.jar:4.0 r1823414]    at [ApacheJMeter_core.jar:4.0 r1823414]   at Source) [?:1.8.0_231] Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static com.example.PabBDetailsIncluded.getDeclaredMethods() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [5001000001573300]    at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeStaticMissingMethod( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]     at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeStaticMethod( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]    at ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]   at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]    at ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]    at ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]    at ~[?:?]  at org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.eval( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]  ... 9 more

If i use the data from jar file without dynamic values, everything is ok.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • This is not the same as for some reason you're using static function which needs to be called a little bit differently.

    Moreover now you need to pass the parameter to the function and I fail to see where you're passing this parameter.

    Your code needs to be amended to look like:

    def sourceAccount = vars.get("accountNumberLogger")
    def testData = new com.example.PabBDetailsIncluded()
    def methods = testData.class.getMethods()
    def payload = methods[vars.get('__jm__Loop Controller__idx') as int].invoke(testData, sourceAccount)


    enter image description here
