I want to update or replace or insert the existing drafts using google app scripts in my gmail. I have a code below but its not inserting any text in the existing drafts.
What, I want to do is to update or insert or replace my existing drafts using google app scripts.
function buildAddOn(e)
return generatedDrafts();
function generatedDrafts()
tex = 'This needs to be inserted';
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder();
var cardSection = CardService.newCardSection().setHeader('Texts');
return card.addSection(cardSection).build();
function applyText(e)
content = e.parameters.updatedText;
var response = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder().setUpdateDraftBodyAction(CardService.newUpdateDraftBodyAction()
.addUpdateContent(content, CardService.ContentType.TEXT).setUpdateType(CardService.UpdateDraftBodyType.IN_PLACE_INSERT)).build();
return response;
the appscript manifesto looks like this
"gmail": {
"contextualTriggers": [
"unconditional": {},
"onTriggerFunction": "buildAddOn"
Can any one suggest me what I am doing wrong and how can i fix my problem ?
Your issue is that you created a general Add-On, not one that triggers on messages.
You want to follow these recommendations and change your manifest file to include the necessary parts.
"oauthScopes": [
"gmail": {
"contextualTriggers": [{
"composeTrigger": {
"selectActions": [
"text": "Insert Text on Emails",
"runFunction": "insertTextAction"
"draftAccess": "METADATA"
And your code should have a insertTextAction
function that creates a Card with actions that return UpdateDraftActionResponse
function insertTextAction(e) {
return generatedDrafts();
After those changes, you should be good to go!