Recently faced a issue securing iOS Application with Jailbreak detection on OS 12.1 with Liberty Lite enabled
I have jailbreak detection in AppDelegate and initial ViewController where I test following
File existence for below paths
I test if application canOpenURL Schema "cydia://package/com.example.package"
Liberty Lite is able to bypass all 3 checks and let run the application on a Jailbroken device, is there any other way I can detect such by passing tweaks(Liberty Lite) and stop the application from running on a Jailbroken device
Essentially, no.
Any form of jailbreak check can be relatively easily worked around and a motivated user can always make another tweak for whatever check you might be using at the time. Consider it similar to attempts to prevent cracks for different software, it's just a game of whack-a-mole where the developing side is losing.
I wrote an article about this some time ago if you're interested into details of why this can't work.