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React Native Tooltip with Icon and TouchableHighlight?

I am working on a [Tooltip][1] the users can click for an explanation. it looks like this

<Tooltip popover={<Text>my explanation</Text>} backgroundColor={'rgb(255, 179, 16)'}>

The problem with this is that the user needs to click on top of the exact text to work, I wanted to create something like an invisible box around it that the user can click anywhere inside of it to trigger it.

   <View style={{height: 48, alignSelf: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#2196F3'}}>
     <Tooltip popover={<Text>my explanation</Text>} backgroundColor={'rgb(240, 179, 16)'}>

and also tried this

 <Tooltip popover={<Text>my explanation</Text>} backgroundColor={'rgb(240, 179, 16)'}>
     <Icon.Button name="help-circle"

but none of these two works. anyone can advise on what's wrong with my code and how I can fix it. also, any recommendation on how I should deal with text in the future when I need them to be clickable and I want to extend the clickable area to a larger area than just the text itself.



  • Try this

         <Tooltip popover={<Text>my explanation</Text>} backgroundColor={'rgb(240, 179, 16)'}>
          <View style={{ height: 48, alignSelf: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#2196F3' }}>

    Basically you have to wrap the element inside tooltip Also look at hitslop property of View to increase touchable area of view , its an alternative to increase touchable area by height and padding