I want to get access token without submiting Base64(client_id:client_secret) in the request.
I just want to submit the client_id and username and password (Password Grant Type) : public passoword grant type
It's called public scheme by IBM. Please quiclky skim through this likn. What I like is to never send the client_secret in an access token request. The image below illustrate it (still IBM).
The problem is that WSO2 APIM requests to obtain access token ALWAYS include the Base64(client_id:client_secret) parameter. I would like to be able to send only the following cURL to get an access token
I would like to be able to send the following cURL to get the access token
1) Go to /carbon
and list down the Service Providers
2) Edit the relevant Service Provider corresponding to your Application
3) Open Inbound Configuration
> OAuth Configuraton
4) Edit the OAoth app.
5) Tick Allow authentication without the client secret
6) Try above curl.