I try to create a script who delete all the olds files except the three more recent files on my backup directory with lftp.
I have try to do this with ls -1tr
who return all the files in ascending date order, and after I do a head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM
($NB_BACKUP_TO_RM is the numbers of files that I want to delete in my lists), this two commands return the correct files.
After this I want to remove all of them, so I do a xargs rm --
, but Bash returns that the files don't exist... I think this command is not running into the remote directory, but in the local directory, and I don't know what I can do for delete this files (of my return lists).
Here is the full code:
NB_BACKUP=$(lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | wc -l ; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST)
REMOVE=$(lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xargs rm -- ; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST)
echo $REMOVE
Have you an idea of the problem? How can I delete the files of my lists (after ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp*
and head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM
Thanks for your help
Looks xargs is unknown cmd for lftp after man lftp
. And xargs rm
is deleting local files not remote files.
so please use xargs as below, it works for me.
lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp*; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xargs -I {} lftp -e 'rm '{}'; quit' -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST