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How to Show rewarded Video in flutter when a user clicks a flat button

I am new to Flutter and I need help in showing rewarded ads in my flutter app. The app is used to load my website, my idea is to show rewarded videos when the user clicks a flat button and when the video is over or closed I need to get them to my website which is loaded in the background. For showing the website I use web view plugin.


  • In your initstate just load the rewarded ad,

    // load the rewarded video ad
        adUnitId: RewardedVideoAd.testAdUnitId,
        targetingInfo: targetingInfo);
    // listen for the rewarded add events
    RewardedVideoAd.instance.listener =
        (RewardedVideoAdEvent event, {String rewardType, int rewardAmount}) {
      print("Rewarded Video Ad event $event");
      if (event == RewardedVideoAdEvent.rewarded) {
        // here, you can load your website using your webview plugin

    Inside your onPressed() method, just show Rewarded Video Ad by using,

    onPressed: () {

    You're done.