I am trying to blur images in my Ruby on Rails application, using the Shrine gem. This is my uploader file:
require "image_processing/mini_magick"
class ImageUploader < Shrine
Attacher.derivatives_processor do |original|
magick = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.source(original)
blurred: magick.append('-blur 0x8').resize_to_limit!(1024, 1024)
I set up my model, controller and form in the most basic way, the same as in the Shrine Getting Started tutorial - https://shrinerb.com/docs/getting-started. When I try to save an image I get following error:
*** MiniMagick::Error Exception:
convert /tmp/shrine20191112-4479-1xo3vgk.jpg -auto-orient -blur 0x5 -resize 1024x1024> -sharpen 0x1 /tmp/image_processing20191112-4479-1w094sa.jpg
failed with error: convert: unrecognized option `-blur 0x5' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/893. "
Without the append('-blur 0x8')
it works just fine, what am I doing wrong? My ImageMagick version is 7.0.7-11.
Btw I wouldn't mind blurring the image with libvips, I just have more experience with ImageMagick so that's what I went with.
You need to specify each command-line argument separately, in this case -blur
and 0x8
magick.append('-blur', '0x8').resize_to_limit!(1024, 1024)
You can also call the #blur
method, which will get applied as -blur
through the magic of method_missing
magick.blur('0x8').resize_to_limit!(1024, 1024)