I'm creating a point buy method for an RPG in which players modify their character's ability scores. My if
condition is not being met when the input should be correct, and I can't tell why.
$player = {
abils: {str: 10, con: 10, dex: 10, wis: 10, int: 10, cha: 10}
def abil_point_buy(x)
points = x
puts "<Add or subtract points from each ability (e.g. +2 STR, -1 CHA, etc.)>"
loop do
puts "<You have #{points} points remaining. Current ability scores:>"; print "<"
$player[:abils].each { |abil, pts| print "#{abil.upcase}: #{pts} "}; puts ">"
input = gets.chomp.downcase
abil_check = $player[:abils][input.gsub("^a-z", "").to_sym]
if abil_check && input.match?(/\d/) #checks if input contains a number and an ability score
mod = input.gsub(/\D/, "") #determines amount to modify ability score by
pos_or_neg = !input.include?('-') #determines if mod will be positive or negative
$player[:abils][abil_check] + mod.to_i * (pos_or_neg ? 1 : -1) #adjusts selected ability score by mod
pos_or_neg ? points - mod : points + mod
break if points == 0
puts "Something is wrong with your input."
Would also appreciate general tips to improve my code.
You're using an invalid pattern in gsub
. ^a-z
is treated as "beginning of the line" followed by a
dash and z
. You need to replace it with a negated character class and downcase
the string:
"2 STR".downcase.gsub(/[^a-z]/, '')
# => "str"