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Avoid rendering of specific .md files from blogdown::serve_site()

I have a file located at


I have it there because it's quite easy to do htmltools::includeMarkdown("data_for_posts/") and recycle this file in different posts.

My problem is that when I serve_site() this creates a public/post/data_for_posts/index.html, which means, it gets posted to my website (as a January 1 of 0001). I guess I could change the date to year 10000, but I would rather handle it the way I handle the .Rmd and other files, as suggested here

I have tried to modify my config.toml but have not managed to solve the issue.

ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$", "content/post/data_for_posts/"]


  • Here are a couple techniques that I use to do this:

    1. Rename data_for_posts/ so it uses a file extension that hugo does not interpret as a known markup language, for example change .md to .markd or mdn.[*]
    2. Rename data_for_posts/ so it includes a string that you will never use in a real content file, for example data_for_posts-UNPUBLISHED/ Then add that string (UNPUBLISHED or whatever) to your config ignoreFiles list.[**]

    [*] In the content/ directory, a file with one of the following file extensions will be interpreted by hugo as containing a known markup language: .ad, .adoc, .asciidoc, .htm, .html, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mmark, .pdc, .pandoc, .org, or .rst (this is an excerpt of something I wrote).

    [**] The strings listed in ignoreFiles seem to be case sensitive so I like to use all-upper-case characters in my ignored file names (because I never use upper-case chars in real content file names). Also note that there is no need to specify the path and my experience is that path delimiters (/ or \) cause problems.