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Differential equation solution not shown by SymPy

In the following code, I first solve a differential equation, but, then, when I check to see if it is a solution, it appears not to be. (The following code returns False.) What am I doing wrong?

import sympy as sy

t = sy.symbols('t')
y = sy.symbols('y', cls=sy.Function)

expr = y(t).diff(t, t) + 3*y(t).diff(t) + 2*y(t) - 4*t
solution = sy.dsolve(sy.Eq(expr, 0)).rhs

print(expr.subs(y(t), solution).simplify() == 0)


  • You need doit() to effectively evaluate the derivative: expr.subs(y(t), solution).doit()

    import sympy as sy
    t = sy.symbols('t')
    y = sy.symbols('y', cls=sy.Function)
    expr = y(t).diff(t, t) + 3*y(t).diff(t) + 2*y(t) - 4*t
    solution = sy.dsolve(sy.Eq(expr, 0)).rhs
    print(expr.subs(y(t), solution).doit().simplify() == 0)

    Prints True