I am trying to edit the xml code on Odoo using the studio app. I want to format text colour based on the value of the cell - red for some values, green for others.
Please can someone help?
I used an answer on this previous topic as a guide. XML Odoo field conditional color formatting
<field name="x_studio_mr_approval" string="MR Approval (test)" style="color: red;" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',['x_studio_mr_approval','=','Approved'],['x_studio_mr_approval','=','Approved Unseen']]}"/>
<field name="x_studio_mr_approval" string="MR Approval (test)" style="color: green;" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',['x_studio_mr_approval','=','New'],['x_studio_mr_approval','=','Awaiting Approval'],['x_studio_mr_approval','=','Rejected']]}"/>
I would expect to see "Approved" and "Approved Unseen" as Green, with the other 3 options being red.
What happens with my current code is this: - If the value is "Approved" or "Approved Unseen", it works correctly and shows the green field. The red field is invisible.
A better use of domains could help:
<field name="x_studio_mr_approval" string="MR Approval (test)" style="color: red;" attrs="{'invisible': [('x_studio_mr_approval','in',['Approved','Approved Unseen'])]}"/>
<field name="x_studio_mr_approval" string="MR Approval (test)" style="color: green;" attrs="{'invisible': ['!',('x_studio_mr_approval','in',['Approved','Approved Unseen'])]}"/>
For reference, read https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/reference/orm.html#domains