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How do I open a new window using ClojureScript?

I need to open a new tab using ClojureScript.

(js/ "http://localhost/go/somewhere")

I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

It doesn't help setting it because nothing happens and I assume it is because it is a function and not a variable.

(set! js/ "http://localhost/go/somewhere")

I know it is possible because I got it right initially. I've since forgotten what I've done.

Edit: Also tried:

(set! js/ endpoint)

(set! (js/ -location) endpoint)

(set! (.. js/ -location) endpoint)


  • With your attempts with set! you have accidentally "overridden" in your browser window; so is actually no longer a function, that can be called.

    Make sure you don't have a set! call before you call and reload your page. The syntax you are using with (js/ ,,,) is correct.

    (js/ "") ; works
    (set! js/ "")
    (js/ "")
    ; ⇒ TypeError: is not a function