I'm using NgX-Mask to mask my input box. I want to include special characters in the mask so i have used [dropSpecialCharacters]="false"
from the NgXMask.
Because of angular validation it showing red indicator as pattern is not matched. Pattern currently using \d*
<input pattern="\d*" [dropSpecialCharacters]="false" mask="H0:00" placeholder="HH:MM" required
class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="inputValue" name="inputValue" />
Acceptance Criteria
1 In Safari it should show number keyboard by default. (input pattern="\d*") which shows number keyboard by default.
Expected Result
I want to include the ':' character to the pattern so it shows green indicator
App Supported : IPad Only
This pattern will match my input ^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$
but how will i bring the Number keyboard
I have found a solution which solve both my problem.
Used regexlib.com and another RexExTool for RegEx Helpers.
Used this regEx to validate my input
Used input mode to numeric for number keyboard in IPad.
<input inputmode="numeric" pattern="^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$"
[dropSpecialCharacters]="false" mask="H0:00" placeholder="HH:MM" required
class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="inputValue" name="inputValue" />
StackBlitz Example
1. This first text box with invalid value and text keyboard
2. The second text box with valid input and number keyboard