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How to ignore/suppress errors while trying to execute command from PuTTY through cmd

I want to lock my arch laptop using .bat file on my Windows machine.

I wrote this in my batch:

start C:\some_path\putty.exe -load "naptop@nick" -m C:\some_path\remote.cmd

And remote.cmd contains:

xfce4-session-logout --suspend;exit 0;

It works perfect! But when I don't have an internet connection, I have an error:


Can I somehow ignore any errors when script can't execute my command?


  • Do not use PuTTY for automating command execution.

    Use Plink (part of PuTTY package). It takes the same arguments as PuTTY. Additionally you will want to add -batch switch to skip any prompts that you may get.

    C:\some_path\plink.exe -batch -load "naptop@nick" -m C:\some_path\remote.cmd

    With Plink you can even specify your command directly on its commandline:

    C:\some_path\plink.exe -batch -load "naptop@nick" xfce4-session-logout --suspend;exit 0;