I want to lock my arch laptop using .bat file on my Windows machine.
I wrote this in my batch:
start C:\some_path\putty.exe -load "naptop@nick" -m C:\some_path\remote.cmd
And remote.cmd contains:
xfce4-session-logout --suspend;exit 0;
It works perfect! But when I don't have an internet connection, I have an error:
Can I somehow ignore any errors when script can't execute my command?
Do not use PuTTY for automating command execution.
Use Plink (part of PuTTY package). It takes the same arguments as PuTTY. Additionally you will want to add -batch
switch to skip any prompts that you may get.
C:\some_path\plink.exe -batch -load "naptop@nick" -m C:\some_path\remote.cmd
With Plink you can even specify your command directly on its commandline:
C:\some_path\plink.exe -batch -load "naptop@nick" xfce4-session-logout --suspend;exit 0;