I have a TypeScript Vue project. Inside of this project I have two components: Cookiebar and CookiebarOpener (CbOpener). My goal is to export these two components as a library so I can use them at three different websites like:
<p>Some website content</p>
<div id="app">
<span>Other website content<span>
<span>Open layer</span>
I have tried to export the library via
"build-cookiebar": "vue-cli-service build --target lib --name cookiebar src/components/cookiebar.vue src/components/cbopener.vue "
but only the cookiebar without the cbopener is exported.
Do you have any guesses?
Your build command should be:
vue-cli-service build --target lib --name dummylib src/main.js
and your src/main.js file should thus look like something like:
import cookiebar from './src/components/cookiebar.vue'
import cbopener from './src/components/cbopener.vue'
export default {
I've actually write an entire post about this topic that you can find here: https://medium.com/@olivierpicault/create-a-vue-js-component-library-as-a-module-part-1-a1116e632751