I'm using a library google-trends-api
and for some reason it's causing node to exit without any error. Just a clean errorless exit. The try/catch is ignored. I'm quite confused as this has never happened to me in 3 years of using node.
Here's the code, not that it matters much:
let res
try {
res = await googleTrends.interestOverTime({
keyword: ['something', keyword],
geo: 'EN',
startTime: new Date(getDaysAgoTimestamps(365)),
agent: proxyAgent
res = JSON.parse(res)
catch (e) {
debug('getTrendsAverages error')
My question is, how can I even begin to debug this? I tried to look at the lib in node modules but it's minified.
Try adding the following error-handling functions as they will provide more detail about your problem.
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => {
process.on('uncaughtException', (reason) => {