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Open-Source Version Installation Problems

I am trying to install the open-sourced version of Qt using the web installer. It downloads everything and installs up to about 50% and then the errors start popping up. I get the following errors:

Error during installation process (qt.qt5.51Z5.win64_rnsvcZ0‘l5_64):
l Execution failed (Unexpected exit code: 2): "C:\Qt\/Tools/QtCreator\bin
\sdktool.exe addQt --id qt.qt5.5125.win64_msvc2015_64 --nameQt %{Qt::Version}
MSVC2015 64bit --type Qt4ProjectManager.Qt\Version.Desktop --qrnake C:\Qt/

Error during installation process (qt,qt5.5125.win64_msvc2015_64): 
Execution failed (Unexpected exit code: 2): "C:\QtVTools/QtCreator\bin 
\sdktool.exe addKit --id qt,qt5.5125.win64_msvc2015_64_kit --name Desktop Qt %(Qt:Version) MSVC2015 
64bit --Ctoolchain x86-windows-msvc2015-pe-64bit -­Cxxtoolchain x86-windows-msvc2015-pe-64bit --qt 
qt,qt5.5125.win64_msvc2015_64--debuggerengine4 --devicetype Desktop"

Error during installation process (qt,qt5.5125.win32_msvc2017): 
Execution failed (Unexpected exit code: 2): "C:\QtVTools/QtCreator\bin 
\sdktool.exe addQt --id qt.qt5.5125.win32_msvc2017 --name Qt %(Qt:Version} MSVC2017 32bit --type 
Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Desktop --qmake C:\Qt/ 5.12. 5/msvc2017 /bin/ qmake.exe"

Error during installation process (qt,qt5.5125.win64_msvc2017_64): 
Execution failed (Unexpected exit code: 2): "C:\QtVTools/QtCreator\bin 
\sdktool.exe addQt --id qt.qt5.5125.win64_msvc2017_64 --name Qt %(Qt:Version} MSVC2017 64bit --type 
Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Desktop --qmake Cc\Qt/ 5.12.5/msvc2017 _ 64/bin/ qmake.exe"

Error during installation process (qt,qt5.5125.win64_msvc2017_64): 
Execution failed (Unexpected exit code: 2): "C:\Qt\/Tools/QtCreator\bin 
\sdktool.exe addKit --id qt,qt5.5125.win64_msvc2017_64_kit --name Desktop Qt %(Qt:Version} MSVC2017 
64bit --Ctoolchain x86-windows-msvc2017-pe-64bit -­Cxxtoolchain x86-windows-msvc2017-pe-64bit --qt 
qt.qt5.5125.win64_msvc2017_64 --debuggerengine 4 --devicetype Desktop"

I have tried cancelling the install and then reinstalling it, I have tried redownloading the exe, but nothing seems to help.


  • These errors are annoying. The installer is trying to run the sdktool to set up Qt build kits (compiler details/etc) in QtCreator, which it just installed, but can't, and the message never tells you why exactly.

    In the past for me this has turned out to be a permissions problem -- the user sdktool is running as (from the Qt installer) doesn't have permissions to modify stuff in QtCreator installation folder. (Which I thought was strange since I always run everything as admin anyway.) So my solution has been to ensure the QtCreator install folder has write permissions for all Users on my system. Actually I just modify permissions on the whole Tools folder Qt installs. This works (for me) even while the installer is running, after the first error prompt I can go in an change permissions and tell it to try again.

    Another option is to ignore those errors and set up the compiler kits manually in QtCreator, but that's a hassle and it certainly helps get started when all that is set up for you already.

    Another option would be copy those failed sdktool commands and run them manually after the installation. I've done this a few times "in a pinch" but again it's a bit of a hassle.