My ffmpeg command looks like
ffmpeg -i "/tmp/assets/" -y -ss 00:00:05 -vf fps=1/5,scale=300:-1 /tmp/output/thumbs/thumb%03d.jpg has a display resolution of 16:9 even though the source resolution looks to be 1440x1080. i.e. the video plays in a player at 16:9 (not really sure how this happens)
the generated thumbs in this case are 300x225 (4:3) and look distorted.
How can i have it generate the thumb according to the display aspect ratio? I was hoping for 300x169 (16:9)
ffmpeg -i "/tmp/assets/" -y -ss 00:00:05 -vf fps=1/5,scale=300:ow/dar,setsar=1 /tmp/output/thumbs/thumb%03d.jpg
the video plays in a player at 16:9 (not really sure how this happens)