Goal here to delete as fast as possible keeping Firebaes Realtime Database instance utilization under 100 %.
I have 360 GB data in Firebase Realtime Database. Now I want to delete most the data that is not need. I have script that is doing delete by using firebase database:remove /node1/child1 (https://firebase.googleblog.com/2019/03/large-deletes-in-realtime-database.html)
Node Structure
"thousand of child's node here i want to delete"
"thousand of child's node here i want to delete"
"child3 is required can not delete this one "
I was thinking if I update path firebase database:remove /node1/child1 to null. Will it remove all the child of child 1? and difference between these two approaches?
You should use firebase database:remove
, as detailed in this blog post. By just calling remove()
or update(null)
, you will lock the database until all data is deleted, something that could be many minutes or even hours with a dataset that large.
The CLI command will instead chunk and batch deletes into reasonable sizes, keeping your database utilization from being completely locked. In fact, with database:remove
you don't need to manually batch -- you can just pass it the largest node that you need deleted and it will automatically take care of batching for you.