What is the computational cost of the remainder
function, is there a specific instruction to calculate it in a cheap way in a specific case?
I need to transform a mathematical variable x into the range of I=[-0.5; 0.5) from R=[-2; 2). While x is not element of I, then x is shifted towards I by repeatedly adding or subtracting 1 to the value of x. x is represented with double x
in my code. I need the fastest way of this transformation for this I and R values but wider R ranges can be also interesting.
The function I was suggested to use was the naive implementation following the description:
void shift_to_I(double& x) // version 1
while (x < -0.5)
x += 1;
while (x >= 0.5)
x -= 1;
Not only for speed considerations but also for code quality I was thinking of using remainder
from <cmath>
introduced in c++11. With remainder
the code shortens to
void shift_to_I(double& x) // version 2
x = remainder(x,1);
I had to realize though that it was slower than the original function on my architecture (Intel i7 whatver with VC++). I believed there was a dedicated instruction for this purpose, but either the compiler doesn't know it or it doesn't exist. For wider R interval (on my architecture it is around [-25; 25)) the second version will be faster but I need a code that is fast for narrow intervals too. clang and gcc specific solutions are also welcomed.
This question is compiler and implementation dependent.
For example, on my machine with GCC 8.3:
Without -ffast-math
, std::remainder
translates into a call to this function:
double __remainder(double x, double y)
if (((__builtin_expect (y == 0.0, 0) && ! isnan(x)) || (__builtin_expect(isinf(x), 0) && ! isnan(y))) && _LIB_VERSION != _IEEE_)
return __kernel_standard(x, y, 28);
return __ieee754_remainder(x, y);
with __ieee754_remainder
looking like this:
double __ieee754_remainder(double x, double y)
double z, d, xx;
int4 kx, ky, n, nn, n1, m1, l;
mynumber u, t, w = {{0, 0}}, v = {{0, 0}}, ww = {{0, 0}}, r;
u.x = x;
t.x = y;
kx = u.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff; /* no sign for x*/
t.i[HIGH_HALF] &= 0x7fffffff; /*no sign for y */
ky = t.i[HIGH_HALF];
/*------ |x| < 2^1023 and 2^-970 < |y| < 2^1024 ------------------*/
if (kx < 0x7fe00000 && ky < 0x7ff00000 && ky >= 0x03500000)
if (kx + 0x00100000 < ky)
return x;
if ((kx - 0x01500000) < ky)
z = x / t.x;
v.i[HIGH_HALF] = t.i[HIGH_HALF];
d = (z + big.x) - big.x;
xx = (x - d * v.x) - d * (t.x - v.x);
if (d - z != 0.5 && d - z != -0.5)
return (xx != 0) ? xx : ((x > 0) ? ZERO.x : nZERO.x);
if (fabs(xx) > 0.5 * t.x)
return (z > d) ? xx - t.x : xx + t.x;
return xx;
} /* (kx<(ky+0x01500000)) */
r.x = 1.0 / t.x;
n = t.i[HIGH_HALF];
nn = (n & 0x7ff00000) + 0x01400000;
w.i[HIGH_HALF] = n;
ww.x = t.x - w.x;
l = (kx - nn) & 0xfff00000;
n1 = ww.i[HIGH_HALF];
m1 = r.i[HIGH_HALF];
while (l > 0)
r.i[HIGH_HALF] = m1 - l;
z = u.x * r.x;
w.i[HIGH_HALF] = n + l;
ww.i[HIGH_HALF] = (n1) ? n1 + l : n1;
d = (z + big.x) - big.x;
u.x = (u.x - d * w.x) - d * ww.x;
l = (u.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7ff00000) - nn;
r.i[HIGH_HALF] = m1;
w.i[HIGH_HALF] = n;
ww.i[HIGH_HALF] = n1;
z = u.x * r.x;
d = (z + big.x) - big.x;
u.x = (u.x - d * w.x) - d * ww.x;
if (fabs(u.x) < 0.5 * t.x)
return (u.x != 0) ? u.x : ((x > 0) ? ZERO.x : nZERO.x);
else if (fabs(u.x) > 0.5 * t.x)
return (d > z) ? u.x + t.x : u.x - t.x;
z = u.x / t.x;
d = (z + big.x) - big.x;
return ((u.x - d * w.x) - d * ww.x);
} /* (kx<0x7fe00000&&ky<0x7ff00000&&ky>=0x03500000) */
if (kx < 0x7fe00000 && ky < 0x7ff00000 && (ky > 0 || t.i[LOW_HALF] != 0))
y = fabs(y) * t128.x;
z = __ieee754_remainder(x, y) * t128.x;
z = __ieee754_remainder(z, y) * tm128.x;
return z;
if ((kx & 0x7ff00000) == 0x7fe00000 && ky < 0x7ff00000 &&
(ky > 0 || t.i[LOW_HALF] != 0))
y = fabs(y);
z = 2.0 * __ieee754_remainder(0.5 * x, y);
d = fabs(z);
if (d <= fabs(d - y))
return z;
else if (d == y)
return 0.0 * x;
return (z > 0) ? z - y : z + y;
else /* if x is too big */
if (ky == 0 && t.i[LOW_HALF] == 0) /* y = 0 */
return (x * y) / (x * y);
else if (kx >= 0x7ff00000 /* x not finite */
|| (ky > 0x7ff00000 /* y is NaN */
|| (ky == 0x7ff00000 && t.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)))
return (x * y) / (x * y);
return x;
Pretty far from a single machine instruction.
With -ffast-math
, single fprem1
assembly instruction is used.