I'm lost I can do a check of Non UTC Times and things work. But when converting to UTC Times the CFIF doesn't work
NON UTC {ts '2019-11-10 14:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 14:00:00'}
UTC if {ts '2019-11-10 21:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 21:00:00'}
I'm lost... Can't seem to figure it out.
<cfset timenow = #Now()#>
<cfset utimenow = dateConvert("Local2UTC", timenow)>
<cfset admintime = #DateAdd("h", -1, chk.stime)#>
<cfset uadmintime = #DateAdd("h", -1, chk.utcact)#>
The chk.stime and chk.utc times are correct. basically it is taking an hr off time for the cancel window.
These are the time stamps created.
NON UTC {ts '2019-11-10 14:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 14:00:00'}
The NonUTC Stamps are time stamps without the UTC Conversions.
UTC if {ts '2019-11-10 21:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 21:00:00'}
NonUTC Stamps
<cfif timenow LTE admintime>
This one works fine...
NON UTC {ts '2019-11-10 14:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 14:00:00'}
Then allow cancel
This cfelse is activated properly and Can't Cancel.
Can't Cancel
UTC Stamps
<cfif utimenow LTE uadmintime>
This one does not work
UTC if {ts '2019-11-10 21:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 21:00:00'}
Then allow cancel
This UTC Time does not activate properly and allows the cancel.
Executes/Activates inside the cfif - it should not
Can't Cancel
I have also tried to convert to be sure of ODBCTime
<cfset uadmintime = createODBCDateTime(uadmintime)>
I ended up having to recreate the times, and compare that format.
It now works with both the <cfif timenow LTE admintime>
and the DateCompare
as below. This must have been a formatting issue of not liking the {ts '2019-11-10 14:59:46'} LTE {ts '2019-11-10 14:00:00'}
<cfset nctime = '#dateformat(uadmintime, "dd-MM-yyyy")# #timeformat(uadmintime, "hh:mm:ss")#'>
<cfset nutctime = '#dateformat(utimenow, "dd-MM-yyyy")# #timeformat(utimenow, "hh:mm:ss")#'>
ColdFusion is a loosely typed language and can keep date/time values in various data types. Standard comparisons like eq
, lte
, etc compare variables of different types based on unknown and changing rules so can have unexpected results if CF decides to convert to a different datatype. There are times where you would expect a variable to be a date/time object when really it is a string that passes validates for a date. Different versions of CF, Lucee, etc could act differently or depend on the actual values involved as well.
I recommend always using dateCompare()
when comparing dates...
<cfif utimenow LTE uadmintime>
<cfif dateCompare(utimenow, uadmintime) lte 0>
Example code: