I have a directory messages
in which a lot of txt files
To search for a word in a .txt
file, i use this code:
$searchthis = "Summerevent";
$matches = array();
$handle = @fopen("messages/20191110170912.txt", "r");
if ($handle)
while (!feof($handle))
$buffer = fgets($handle);
if(strpos($buffer, $searchthis) !== FALSE)
$matches[] = $buffer;
//show results:
echo $matches[0];
This works fine for the specific .txt file.
But how can i search in all the txt files which are in the directory messages
And second question: show the name of the txt file where the string is found; something like:
Summerevent in 20191110170912.txt
The following should work:
$searchthis = "Summerevent";
$matches = array();
$files = glob("messages/*.txt"); // Specify the file directory by extension (.txt)
foreach($files as $file) // Loop the files in our the directory
$handle = @fopen($file, "r");
if ($handle)
while (!feof($handle))
$buffer = fgets($handle);
if(strpos($buffer, $searchthis) !== FALSE)
$matches[] = $file; // The filename of the match, eg: messages/1.txt
//show results:
echo $matches[0];