I need the text in this graph to stay center wrapped but it goes horizontal instead. Had anyone had this issue with chartjs?
It works if you used a set amount of letters such as 'dummy'.
datasets: {
labels: ["Dummy text 1", "Dummy text 2", "Dummy text 3"],
datasets: [
label: "",
data: [13, 11, 2],
backgroundColor: [
"rgba(0, 135, 136)",
"rgba(0, 193, 189)",
"rgba(255, 9, 49)"
borderColor: [
"rgba(0, 135, 136)",
"rgba(0, 193, 189)",
"rgba(255, 9, 49)"
borderWidth: 1
Fixed this easily with a multi-array and changing the xaxes. Here's the example fix -
labels: [
["Dummy", "Data 1"],
["Dummy", "Data 2"],
["Dummy", "Data 3"]
xAxes: [
ticks: {
maxRotation: 0,
minRotation: 0
Hopefully this helps someone out :)