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Any FileProvider in ASP.NET Core to provide versioned files by folder instead of parameter?

I need to version my Javacript files (for clearing cache purpose) but cannot use asp-append-version because the script files are used from Javascript import:

import * as Foo from './foo.js'

Therefore, I plan to have a FileProvider that can serve a file with request like /js/v1.0/app.js (and so the foo.js would be serve from /js/v1.0/foo.js). It's okay to serve /v1.0/js/main.js, as long as the relative path is maintained.

I tried this:

        app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
            RequestPath = "/v*",

But it wouldn't work, RequestPath does not support wildcard.

Is there a way to do that without a custom Middleware? A FileProvider middleware is quite overkill for this in my opinion. This is my current temporary solution:

    public static IApplicationBuilder UseVersionedScripts(this IApplicationBuilder app)
        app.Use(async (context, next) =>
            if (context.Request.Path.HasValue &&
                var filePath = context.Request.Path.Value.Split('/');

                // Write the file to response and return if file exist

            await next.Invoke();

        return app;

Edit: I think in my case, if FileProvider is not supported, a Controller Action maybe better than middleware because PhysicalFile method can take care of the writing.


  • I made a reusable FileProvider that "transforms" (removes) the version path:

    var versionedFileProvider = new VersionedFileProvider(env.WebRootFileProvider);
    app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
        FileProvider = versionedFileProvider,


    In the end I use an Action to serve the file:

    public class FileController : ControllerBase
        IHostEnvironment env;
        public FileController(IHostEnvironment env)
            this.env = env;
        [HttpGet, Route("/js/{version}/{**path}")]
        public IActionResult JavascriptFile(string version, string path)
            var filePath = Path.Combine(
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
                return this.PhysicalFile(filePath, "application/javascript");
            return this.NotFound();