I have a string which contains dots.
select 'String.Cont.ains 123.FD DF.123 11.11' str from dual
I need to replace dots to dots with space, but only when a letter is before the dot and a letter is after the dot. In all other cases the dot must not be replaced.
Can I do this with regexp_replace
Result must be like this :
String. Cont. ains 123.FD DF.123 11.11
I'm trying to use this:
select regexp_replace('String.Cont.ains 123.FD DF.123 11.11','(\.){1,}','. ')from dual
You can use this regex:
which looks for a character, one or more dots and then another character, and replace it with
\1\2 \3
i.e. the first character, the dots, a space, and the second character. In Oracle (note the use of the i
flag so we don't have to specify [A-Za-z]
instead of just [a-z]
REGEXP_REPLACE('String.Cont.ains 123.FD DF.123 11.11', '([a-z])(\.+)([a-z])', '\1\2 \3', 1, 0, 'i') AS new
FROM dual
String. Cont. ains 123.FD DF.123 11.11