I'm utilizing Azure's Cognitive Services Text Analysis API. I'm attempting to authenticate by passing my secret key for an access token via these instructions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/translator/reference/v3-0-reference
I POST my Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key to https://eastus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/sts/v1.0/issueToken and get the following error:
{"error":{"code":"401","message": "The issueToken Operation under Token API V1.0 API is not supported with the current subscription key and pricing tier TextAnalytics.S."}}
I'm performing this authentication request using The Info Lab's macro in Alteryx - https://www.theinformationlab.co.uk/2017/09/26/translate-foreign-language-text-alteryx/ - I had to edit URL in the macro to add the "eastus" as the region in the issueToken request. Before I did that, I was getting an AccessDenied error response. At least now I know it's logging on to my resource because it will change the last letter in the error from "F" (free) to "S" to "S1" which are the pricing tiers I was switching between.
I have a pay-as-you-go subscription and I switched the resource to use Free, S, and S0 pricing tiers. Still always getting the same error. Please help!
Thank you
All provided in my summary.
I expect to get an authenticated token.
Per my understanding, you want to use Azure translator API and want to get an authenticated token specified by region. Based this doc mentioned , if you want to get a region based token, you should use Cognitive Service’s multi-service subscription . You can create a multi-service subscription by this link and you can get a token by its region and key as below :
For differences between Single-service resource and Multi-service resource , as official mentioned :
Multi-service resource: Access multiple Azure Cognitive Services with a single key and endpoint. Consolidates billing from the services you use.
Single-service resource: Access a single Azure Cognitive Service with a unique key and endpoint for each service created. Use the free tier to try out the service.
As we know except for translation service , there are many other services on Azure cognitive service . So when you create a Multi-service resource , you can call all Azure Cognitive Services . If you just need one or two kind Azure Cognitive Services or you want to get a separate billing of them, you can create Single-service resources separately.
In a wold, the differences between them is more about management instead of service.
Hope it helps.