I'm trying to use AND with OR's inside my WHERE clause but I'm not getting expected results. This is my query:
select *
from Pitches
where BatterID = @playerID
and YEAR(GameDate) in (2019)
and (BattedBallID is not null or BattedBallID <> 0);
The problem is I'm getting BattedBallID's that have 0 in the rows but none of them have null. I want it so my results have BattedBallID's that aren't 0 and aren't null;
I want it so my results have BattedBallID's that aren't 0 and aren't null;
You want:
and BattedBallID is not null and BattedBallID <> 0;
Instead of:
and (BattedBallID is not null or BattedBallID <> 0);
Your original expression will actually always evaluate as true, since both conditions cannot be false at the same time : if something is null
, then it is not equal to 0
, and if something is equal to 0
, then it is not null