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Find elements of specific type in single table inheritance type

Imagine the following Entity hierarchy:

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "type", columnDefinition = "varchar(60)")
abstract class Resource {


class Resource1 extends Resource {
  private Property property1;

class Resource2 extends Resource {
  private Property property2;

class Resource3 extends Resource {
  private Property property3;

class Resource4 extends Resource {
  private Property property4;

class EntityUsingResource {
  private List<Resource> resources;

I am trying to create a UI to search for EntityUsingResources and being able to filter for elements that have resources with a specific property.

So in the search field in the GUI you can type a value for lets say property4 and it filters all EntityUsingResources which have a resource of type Resource4 whos property4 equals the one you typed in.

So far I managed to do this by using this criteria api using springs specifications:

public static Specification<EntityUsingResource> 
withResource4HavingProperty4Like(String property4) {
    Join<EntityUsingResource, Resource> join = 
        root.join(EntityUsingResource_.resources, JoinType.INNER);
    Join<EntityUsingResource, Resource4> treatedJoin = 
      cb.treat(join, Resource4.class);

            "%" + property4 + "%");

public static Specification<EntityUsingResource> 
withResource2HavingProperty2Like(String property2) {
    Join<EntityUsingResource, Resource> join = 
        root.join(EntityUsingResource_.resources, JoinType.INNER);
    Join<EntityUsingResource, Resource2> treatedJoin = 
        cb.treat(join, Resource2.class);

        "%" + property2 + "%");

I use those specifications with springs Specifications utility class as follows: where( withResource2HavingProperty2Like(property2) ).and( withResource4HavingProperty4Like(property4) );

Which I then pass to the JpaRepository and more or less return the result to the gui.

This creates the following SQL when searching for property1:

select as entityId
    entity_using_resource entity_using_resource0
inner join resource resourceas1_ on
inner join resource resourceas2_ on
inner join resource resourceas3_ on
inner join resource resourceas4_ on
where (resourceas4_.property1 like 'property1')
    and (resourceas2_.property1 like '%property1%') limit ...;

The problem is, this query produces a lot of duplicates. I tried using distinct which would solve the problem, but it raises another. In the EntityUsingResource entity I have a column which is of type json so using distinct won't work, as the database can't compare json values.

How would one write a query that also filters for the type of Resource using the criteria api?

Thanks in advance :-)


  • If your goal is creating an effective query rather than using criteria API, you may use FluentJPA:

    (property2 argument is automatically captured and passed as a parameter)

    public List<EntityUsingResource > findEntitiesUsingResource2(String property2) {
        FluentQuery query = FluentJPA.SQL((EntityUsingResource entity) -> {
            List<Long> resourceIds = subQuery((Resource res) -> {
                WHERE(typeOf(res, Resource2.class) &&
                  ((Resource2) res).getProperty2().getValue().matches("%" + property2 + "%"));
        return query.createQuery(em, EntityUsingResource.class).getResultList();

    which produces the following SQL:

    SELECT t0.*
    FROM entity_using_resource t0
    WHERE ( IN (SELECT t1.entity_id
    FROM resource t1
    WHERE (t1.type = 'resource2' AND (t1.property2 LIKE  CONCAT( CONCAT( '%' ,  ?1 ) ,  '%' )  ))) )

    Support of JPA inheritance is documented here.