I have a simple code:
override def createContributorsList(url: String, params: String): F[List[Contributor]] = getContributorsFromClient(url, params).fold[List[Contributor]](_ => List(), res => res)
override def createReposList(organization: String, params: String): F[List[GitRepository]] = getReposFromClient(organization, params).fold[List[GitRepository]](_ => List(), res => res)
This code return list of repositories from github and list of contributions. But now I need to call createContributorsList
for every repository I found by createReposList
. I have done a for comprehension
val stats = new StatisticsRepository[IO](new GitHttpClient[IO])
val res = for {
repos <- stats.createReposList("github", "")
} yield repos
It works fine, it found repositories for given organization (github). So I tried do it like this:
val res = for {
repos <- stats.createReposList("github", "")
list = repos.foreach(repo => stats.createContributorsList(repo.contributors_url, ""))
} yield (repos, list)
But list
is always empty. I don't know how I could do this without for comprehension
, because I operate here on Monads
like IO
. How I should create a code to loop over every repo from repos
and call stats.createContributorsList
on everyone?
Try flatTraverse
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import cats.instances.list._
val res: F[(List[GitRepository], List[Contributor])] = for {
repos <- stats.createReposList("github", "")
list <- repos.flatTraverse(repo => stats.createContributorsList(repo.contributors_url, ""))
} yield (repos, list)
return Unit
so that's not what you need.