If my flow is File Input
-> Compute Node
-> File Output
, how can I set the File Input
directory value based on a User Defined Property? I will have a different file drop directory for dev, qa and prod and don’t want this hard coded anywhere. If it cannot be done using my User Defined Properties, how else can I accomplish this?
Create configurable properties per environment and define the input directory there.
Properties for dev
# File: yourapp-dev.properties
yourflow#File Input.inputDirectory = ./yourapp/dev/in
Properties for qa
# File: yourapp-qa.properties
yourflow#File Input.inputDirectory = ./yourapp/qa/in
Apply the properties per environment. For dev
it would be:
mqsiapplybaroverride -b yourapp.bar -p yourapp-dev.properties -r
Now you can deploy yourapp.bar
to the dev