I tried to change colors in terminal following this guide: http://osxdaily.com/2013/02/05/improve-terminal-appearance-mac-os-x/
I created bash_profile file, saved and quit terminal. Now when I open the terminal I get this:
Last login: Mon Oct 17 01:36:24 on ttys000
-bash: : command not found
-bash: : command not found
-bash: git: command not found
-bash: gt: command not found
-bash: /dev/null: Permission denied
->> $ this last line is changed on stackoverflow. I do not understand why. Please look at the photo below.
I deleted bash_profile and I still get the same.
I did not use the flag asking for moving the post as suggested in the comment because I had already posted the same post on AskDifferent.
The answer to the problem is on AskDifferent: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/257603/terminal-change-of-colours-guide-file-bash-profile-bash-not-found-permissi
The problem with a syntax error is caused by HTML markup in the source I copy/pasted this from.