I have the following code:
public Flux<Offer> getAllFilteredOffers(Map<String, String> searchParams) {
Flux<ProductProperties> productProperties = productPropertiesService.findProductPropertiesBySearchCriteria(searchParams);
Flux<Product> products = productService.findProductsByPropertyId(productProperties);
Flux<Product> productsByAvailability = productService.getAllProductsByAvailability(products, searchParams);
Flux<Offer> offers = offerRepository.findByPropertiesIds(productsByAvailability);
return offers;
This method:
productService.getAllProductsByAvailability(products, searchParams);
looks like:
public Flux<Product> getAllProductsByAvailability(Flux<Product> products,
Map<String, String> searchParams) {
How to pass List<Product>
to getAllProductsByAvailability
to keep non-blocking operations?
I've read that map is blocking and should be avoided.
Maybe something like that?
.flatMap(productProperties -> productService.findProductsByPropertyId(productProperties))
.flatMap(products -> productService.getAllProductsByAvailability(Flux.create(products)?????????, searchParams))
I'm not expert in Webflux, currently I'm trying to figure out how to handle problems like: I have Flux but in a second step I need to pull some data from the previous Flex<> object - keeping non-blocking stream.
Than you!
I don't know where you read about map
, but if you look at the official documenation Webflux map operator there is nothing about blocking, it just uses synchronous function to each item.
Use this code:
.flatMap(productProperties -> productService.findProductsByPropertyId(productProperties))
.collectList() (1)
.flatMapMany(products -> productService.getAllProductsByAvailability(Flux.fromIterable(products), searchParams)) (2)
1) collect all elements to List and convert to Mono>
2) create FLux from List and provide it as a parameter, flatMapMany transform Mono to Flux