I am trying to use Nodejs tron library to create pair of wallet address and here is my code:
var app = require('express')()
var http = require('http').createServer(app)
var wallet_engine = require('./function')
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
result = wallet_engine.create_wallet_trx()
//////server listen
http.listen(8443, function () {
console.log('listening on *:8443')
and here is my function.js
module.exports = {
create_wallet_trx: function () {
////////generate TRX Address
var { HdTronPayments } = require('@faast/tron-payments')
var keys = HdTronPayments.generateNewKeys()
var tronPayments = new HdTronPayments({ hdKey: keys.xprv })
var address = tronPayments.getPayport(356)
var privateKey = tronPayments.getPrivateKey(356)
var trx_wallet = { privateKey: privateKey, address: address }
return trx_wallet
The problem is when i check console.log(trx_wallet) the result is there and i can see generated public and private key, also after returning data, console.log(result) is displaying data, but res.send(result) shows me empty json.
this is console.log() results
privateKey: Promise {
address: Promise { { address: 'TYCJSKERHReUXacw9wLorZYLDoijevvsVK' } }
and this is the result on my browser:
i know this is because of Nodejs Async system and i should wait to promise gets the value but i don't know how to wait for promise to get complete and then prints the result on my browser screen.
You are doing good but here many calls are asynchronous that's for you facing problem.
you should use async await or then
as i did bellow it may help you..
// app js
var app = require('express')()
var http = require('http').createServer(app)
var wallet_engine = require('./function')
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
result = wallet_engine.create_wallet_trx().then(data=>{
//////server listen
http.listen(8443, function () {
console.log('listening on *:8443')
// function.js
var { HdTronPayments } = require('@faast/tron-payments')
module.exports = {
create_wallet_trx: async function () {
var keys = await HdTronPayments.generateNewKeys()
var tronPayments = await new HdTronPayments({ hdKey: keys.xprv })
var address = await tronPayments.getPayport(356)
var privateKey = await tronPayments.getPrivateKey(356)
var trx_wallet = { privateKey: privateKey, address: address }
return trx_wallet
result: {"privateKey":"92ACAECFE00E9F90E330A6B031F10365F29AFDD503922CC99CA8704F1BA53432","address":{"address":"TGfsHx4VU6B36AwUy8Bqt6edoNnUHpMtSQ"}}