I'm having stuck with Ionic apps. My problem is I want to refresh
the root page
after navigated from
the other page by clicking the ion-back-button
, I'm trying to use the ionic lifecycle events.
Anyone having issues with the ionViewDidEnter()
too (like in my case)? As I know these lifecycle event function, it’s fired when entering a page, before it becomes the active one.
This is DOM elements when the QR page become active:
As you can see there are 2 pages inside <ion-router-outlet>
. In my situation, the <app-home-tabs>
is the root page. To navigate to the <app-my-qr>
page from the root page, I use this.router.navigateByUrl('/my-qr'
, and then after I click <ion-back-button>
, it's removed from the DOM.
The problem is the root page is not refreshed. I cant find the root caused of this problem..
After a couple of days, I found the root caused and the solution.
Actually the problem is the child component won't refresh/reload... there is a child component <app-home>
from (home.page.ts)
inside the <app-home-tabs>
which is can be seen inside the DOM elements.
The ionViewWillEnter()
is not triggered in the child components (home.page.ts)
After just put this function inside the parent component, which is the home-tabs.page.ts
, <app-home-tabs>
It calls the child component to force update itself.
Just using the import { Events } from '@ionic/angular';
Parent component:
async ionViewDidEnter() {
// This will be called everytime the page become active
And inside the child component:
ionViewWillEnter() {
this.events.subscribe('UpdateHome', async () => {
// Update itself
let loading = await this.loadctrl.create();
await loading.present();
await this.getUser();
await loading.dismiss();