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Nuxt Plugins not working after build ( use apexchart )

I use apex chart in nuxt
and apply plugins with my code
this working in dev mode

cross-env NODE_ENV=development HOST= PORT=3000 nodemon server/index.js --watch server

but not working in build source

nuxt build && cross-env NODE_ENV=production HOST= PORT=80 node server/index.js

Here is my codes


import Vue from 'vue'
import VueApexCharts from 'vue-apexcharts'

Vue.component('VueApexCharts', VueApexCharts);


plugins: [
    { src : '~/plugins/vue-apexchart.js', ssr : false },
build: {
  vendor : [


<VueApexCharts max-width="300" type="area" :options="chartOptions" :series="series"></VueApexCharts>

these codes working in dev mode but not working build files
I needs your helps for solve this problomes
Please Help me
Here is my source code >


  • <client-only>
        <MY COMPONENT/>

    Using 'client-only' tag solved this problem

    "This component is used to purposely render a component only on client-side."
    my plugins working only client-side so use that tags, I can Solved this problem