I found a lot of articles about binding, ngIf, ngFor and all that stuff but nothing worked for my particular problem. It also feels like I am only missing out on some syntax-rules.
Following problem: If a step inside the ngFor loop is repeated, it should add an (1) to its translated name. Right now it displays the whole 'step.header | translate ' as label and not what is behind that.
<div *ngFor="let step of dataService.current.steps" >
[label]="!step.repeated ? 'step.header | translate' : 'step.header | translate' + ' (1)'"
I hope the problem is kind of clear from that.
Thank you very much in advance!
If you want to use a pipe as part of a complex expression you should wrap it in parentheses. You can also simplify the expression a bit since the main part is the same:
<div *ngFor="let step of dataService.current.steps">
[label]="(step.header | translate) + (step.repeated ? ' (1)' : '')">