Upon clicking a client from the datagrid, all the clients informaition are loaded in the right side of the form, all seems to be doing pretty well.[https://i.sstatic.net/Mv5ZL.png][1]
and whenever I click the add payment button, it will open the payment form. [https://i.sstatic.net/DmznP.png][2]
but whenever I try to choose another client, it will produce a runtime error '3265'. and when I click the debug button, the fields to be filled seemed to have all the information they needed. Why is this error showing up? [https://i.sstatic.net/YuLg5.png][3]
Here is my code in loading all the clients
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set Connect = New Class1
Set rx = New ADODB.Recordset
rx.Open "SELECT * FROM allclients ORDER by dateCreated ASC", con, 3, 3
lblLNumberRecords.Caption = Format(rx.RecordCount, "###,###,###.##")
Set DatCUSTOMERS.DataSource = rx
End Sub
and here is my code when clicking a client:
Private Sub DatCUSTOMERS_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer)
Unload frmPaymentRecur
lblID = rx.Fields("id")
txtClientID = rx.Fields("clientCode")
txtFirstName = rx.Fields("fname")
txtLastName = rx.Fields("lname")
txtMname = rx.Fields("mname")
txtExtension = rx.Fields("extName")
txtPin = rx.Fields("pinNo")
txtDesignation = rx.Fields("designation")
txtContactNo = rx.Fields("contactNo")
txtAddress = rx.Fields("address")
txtAge = rx.Fields("Age")
txtSalary = rx.Fields("salary")
cmbAssociation.Text = rx.Fields("fieldTypeTitle")
cmbChoices.Text = rx.Fields("fieldNameTitle")
cmdEdit.Enabled = True
cmdAddLoan.Enabled = True
cmdPayments.Enabled = True
End Sub
here is my code when clicking the add payment button:
Private Sub cmdPayments_Click()
Dim flagClients, dateFlag, loanFlag As Integer
flagClients = 1
dateFlag = 1
loanFlag = 1
frmPaymentRecur.lbldateFlag.Caption = dateFlag
frmPaymentRecur.lblLoanFlag.Caption = loanFlag
frmPaymentRecur.txtClientID = rx.Fields("clientCode")
frmPaymentRecur.txtFolderNo = rx.Fields("folderCode")
frmPaymentRecur.txtFullName = rx.Fields("Name")
frmPaymentRecur.txtAssociation = rx.Fields("fieldNameTitle")
frmPaymentRecur.txtSalary = rx.Fields("salary")
frmPaymentRecur.CmbSelectPaymentType.Text = "All Loans"
frmPaymentRecur.lblFlag = flagClients
If rx.State = 1 Then rx.Close
rx.Open "SELECT DISTINCT(`Loan Type`) FROM paymentview WHERE `Client Code` = '" & Trim$(txtClientID.Caption) & "'", con, 3, 3
With rx
Do While Not .EOF
frmPaymentRecur.CmbSelectPaymentType.AddItem ![Loan Type]
End With
End Sub
In your Add Payment code, at the end, you are closing the rx
recordset. It will be empty when you try updating your controls.
You've also populated the recordset with data form a different table, paymentview
, where id
probably doesn't exist.
You should create a separate recordset to handle your payment code instead of reusing the rx