I'm using angular with nativescript and I would like to get some data from an api using an angular service within my project and push a local notification with that data. I would like to push this notification in the background using the example mentioned in the Nativescript's documentation
The method looks like this:
import { LocalNotifications } from 'nativescript-local-notifications';
export class BackgroundRefreshAppDelegate extends UIResponder implements UIApplicationDelegate {
public static ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate];
public static ObjCExposedMethods = {
"runOnBackground": { returns: interop.types.void }
private bgTask;
private timer;
private timerCounter;
public applicationPerformFetchWithCompletionHandler(application: UIApplication, completionHandler: any) {
console.log('App is running in background');
// Check for new data
const newData = true;
// If new data exists, initiate a local notification
if (newData) {
title: 'test',
function() {
console.log('Notification scheduled');
function(error) {
console.log('scheduling error: ' + error);
// Let the OS know that there were new data and complete the task
} else {
// Otherwise, let the OS know there is no new data and complete the task
How can I inject an angular service within this ios delegate and use it within applicationPerformFetchWithCompletionHandler
method ?
You can not / shouldn't do that, background service run outside Angular context.
Instead listen to a custom event on your service and trigger a custom event form your applicationPerformFetchWithCompletionHandler