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How to create a blurred label background with SVG filters?

I would like to have a good working approach for the following problem:

On a bar chart with bars filled with different but unknown colors, I would like to put labels with a fixed black color such that they are readable.

The approach I am searching for should look such as in the title bar of the window in the image. The label is black, it resides on top of a blurred white background which sits on top of the bar of any color.

enter image description here

Is there a way to do it with SVG filters?

Below are some approaches I tried:

    .black {
      fill: black;
    .blue {
      fill: blue;
    .red {
      fill: red;
    .yellow {
      fill: yellow;
      fill: black;
      font-size: 14px;
      fill: white;
      font-size: 16px;
      paint-order: stroke;
      stroke: #fff;
      fill: black;
      stroke-width: 5px;
      font-size: 20px;
      fill: white;
      opacity: 0.6;
  <svg width="500" height="500">
      <filter x="-0.05" y="-0.1" width="1.08" height="1.2" id="solid">
        <feFlood flood-color="lightgrey"/>
        <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" operator="xor" />

    <g class="row-1" transform="translate(0,30)">
      <text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of bar </text>
        <rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(120,0)">
        <rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(240,0)">
        <rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(360,0)">
        <rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
		<g class="row-2" transform="translate(0,100)">
      <text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of rect.background on top of bar </text>
        <rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(120,0)">
        <rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(240,0)">
        <rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(360,0)">
        <rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <rect class="background" x=17 y=6 width=78 height=19></rect>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
    <g class="row-3" transform="translate(0, 170)">
      <text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label with filter #solid on top of bar </text>
        <rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(120,0)">
        <rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(240,0)">
        <rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(360,0)">
        <rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label" filter="url(#solid)" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

    <g class="row-4" transform="translate(0, 240)">
      <text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label on top of larger text label with background color on top of bar </text>
        <rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(120,0)">
        <rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(240,0)">
        <rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(360,0)">
        <rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label-background" x="18" y="22">my text label</text>
        <text class="label" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>
    <g class="row-5" transform="translate(0, 310)">
      <text class="header" x="20" y="-10">text label with paint-order: stroke on top of bar </text>
        <rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(120,0)">
        <rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(240,0)">
        <rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>

      <g transform="translate(360,0)">
        <rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
        <text class="label text-background" x="20" y="20">my text label</text>


  • Since you're asking for an SVG filter solution:

    1. Start with SourceAlpha, which gives you a black silhouette of the element (i.e. the text), and then blur it with feGaussianBlur to create a soft shadow.
    2. This shadow will be black, so use feColorMatrix to make it white.
    3. Finally, put the original text on top of the shadow using feBlend.


    .black {
      fill: black;
    .blue {
      fill: blue;
    .red {
      fill: red;
    .yellow {
      fill: yellow;
    .label {
      fill: black;
      font-size: 14px;
    <svg width="500" height="80" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
        <filter id="shadow">
          <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="3" result="blur" />
          <feColorMatrix in="blur" type="matrix" values="0  0  0  0  1
                                                         0  0  0  0  1
                                                         0  0  0  0  1
                                                         0  0  0  8  0" result="white" />
          <feColorMatrix in="white" type="matrix" values="1  0  0  0  0
                                                          0  1  0  0  0
                                                          0  0  1  0  0
                                                          0  0  0 .8  0" result="dim" />
          <feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="dim" mode="normal" />
      <g class="row-1" transform="translate(10,30)">
        <text class="header" x="0" y="-10">feGaussianBlur on SourceAlpha</text>
          <rect class="black" width=100 height=30></rect>
          <text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
        <g transform="translate(120,0)">
          <rect class="blue" width=100 height=30></rect>
          <text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
        <g transform="translate(240,0)">
          <rect class="red" width=100 height=30></rect>
          <text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>
        <g transform="translate(360,0)">
          <rect class="yellow" width=100 height=30></rect>
          <text class="label" x="20" y="20" filter="url(#shadow)">my text label</text>