I have an API created in flask which gets some file in base64 format. Using couchdb, I keep track whether the server side version is same as current document version. Here is still what I could write:
@app.route('/dbupload', methods=['POST'])
def approved():
if request.method == "POST":
if request.json:
if 'data' in request.json:
if request.files.get("file"):
data = request.json['data']
username = "username"
pwd = "password"
file_obj = request.files["file"]
file_name = file_obj.filename
if file_name.lower().endswith('.csv'):
doc_id = data["_id"]
doc_rev = data["_rev"]
with couchdb(username, pwd, url=os.genenv("COUCHDB_HOST"), connect=True, auto_renew=True, timeout=120, adapter=HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=15, pool_maxsize=100)) as client:
filedata = file_obj.read()
session = client.session()
except Exception as e:
return abort(500)
this_db = client['calhoun']
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({"status": False})
server_doc = this_db[doc_id]
if server_doc["_rev"] == doc_rev:
server_doc["data"] = data["data"]
# How to update data
return abort(500)
except KeyError:
logger.error("No such document")
except Exception as e:
return abort(500)
return jsonify({"status": True})
except Exception as e:
return abort(401)
return abort(400)
return abort(400)
return abort(400)
return abort(501)
Now I need to add inside else
part if I need to update the server if there is a mismatch of the revision. How to do it?
@app.route('/dbupload', methods=['POST'])
def approved():
if request.method != "POST":
return abort(501)
if not request.json:
return abort(400)
if 'data' not in request.json:
return abort(400)
if not request.files.get("file"):
return abort(400)
data = request.json['data']
username = "username"
pwd = "password"
file_obj = request.files["file"]
file_name = file_obj.filename
if file_name.lower().endswith('.csv'):
doc_id = data["_id"]
doc_rev = data["_rev"]
with couchdb(username, pwd, url=os.genenv("COUCHDB_HOST"), connect=True, auto_renew=True, timeout=120, adapter=HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=15, pool_maxsize=100)) as client:
filedata = file_obj.read()
session = client.session()
except Exception as e:
return abort(500)
this_db = client['calhoun']
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({"status": False})
server_doc = this_db[doc_id]
# Since your fetching the latest doc from db
# No need to use/check the rev if ur going to
# update the data anyway
server_doc["data"] = data["data"]
server_doc.save() # will throw conflict (409) if some _rev mismatch happens
except KeyError:
logger.error("No such document")
except Exception as e:
return abort(500)
return jsonify({"status": True})
except Exception as e:
return abort(401)