I try to play a wav file which has a length of 27 seconds, but getPlayLength() returns 143 ms.
This is my code:
auto m_pSoundEngine = irrklang::createIrrKlangDevice();
auto m_pSound = m_pSoundEngine->play2D("G:\\SomeAbsolutePath\\3_Tenor.wav", true, false, true);
m_pSound->getPlayLength(); //returns 143 (ms)
m_pSound->getPlaybackSpeed(); //returns 1.0
This is the sound file:
What am I doing wrong? The sound itself is an export from Cubase, and VLC plays it correctly.
Turns out my .wav files are 32 bit.
irrKlang v1.6.0 only supports bitdepths of up to 24bit.