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How to sync mysql table fields with prefix

I want ask that, is there any easy way to synchronize mysql table fields?
Let me extend my question:

I have a mysql database driven site, and I want to use my table for more than one content provider (I can use only one table because of hosting features) by separating table prefix (like Wordpress does).

I need a way to copy all fields from current table and add a prefix (I'll specify) to all new entries (E.g : there are 2 fields, links, pages and I want to add new fields new_links, new_pages to current table automatically / all keys must be the same (I mean field id's, values etc..)).

After creating those fields, there should be a way to control that, if one or more new entry was added to original fields then new fields should be created in prefixed (new_) fields.


  • I'm not 100% sure that I'm getting the issue, but...

    Adding two new columns to the table shouldn't be a problem:

    ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN new_links ...

    You could keep them in sync from your application (problematic) or via a trigger.

    Definitely time to upgrade hosting providers.