I am creating custom snippets for flutter/dart. My goal is to pull the file name (TM_FILENAME_BASE) remove all of the underscores and convert it to PascalCase (or camelCase).
Here is a link to what I have learned so far regarding regex and vscode's snippets. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets
I have been able to remove the underscores nicely with the following code
${TM_FILENAME_BASE/[\\_]/ /}
I can even make it all caps
However, it seems that I cannot do two steps at a time. I am not familiar with regex, this is just me fiddling around with this for the last couple of days.
If anyone could help out a fellow programmer just trying make coding simpler, it would be really appreciated!
I expect the output of "my_file_name" to be "MyFileName".
It's as easy as that: ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}