I have an index with a TagField, created like this
create_index([TextField("enc_id"), TextField("title", 2.0), TagField("tags")])
I would add a document like this.
add_document(title = "meh, lol", tags = "python,C")
I search like this. It has a few fields that don't need to be searched, so I limited fields to search.
What I want is to also filter results by some tags. For example, I have documents with tags like python, C, Java and I only want documents to be returned that has the tag 'C'.
How do I do that?
Finally found it :D.
I basically tried to execute pure redis-cli commands with the python client. Didn't know how :/
But this worked. I can use @ in the query string. Just like we do in cli.
Query("@title:meh @tags:{java}")