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Jinja2 template output parsing issue for comma

I have wrote the jinja2 template for ansible playbook. However, i dont want the comma at the end of last line for that reason, i have used the "if" condition with "loop.last". Since there is "for" loop and "if" loop, last line is executing two times - one with comma and another without comma. any help would be appreciated for the last line to be executed once without comma.

  [{% for ip in range  %}
  "{{ ip }}",
     {% if loop.last %}
       "{{ ip }}"
     {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}]

Below is the output that i am getting,

[  "",

Expected output:

  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]



  • you could add an else clause for the non last iterations. try this template file:

    [{% for ip in range  %}
    {% if loop.last %}
    "{{ ip }}"{% else %}
    "{{ ip }}", {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}]

    produced file:

    [root@greenhat-30 tests]$ cat /tmp/test.out         
    ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
    [root@greenhat-30 tests]$ 

    hope it helps