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Outlook event RSVP graph api issue

Created an Event with Microsoft Graph:

  "subject": "TEST",
  "body": {
    "contentType": "HTML",
    "content": "test event respond"
  "start": {
    "dateTime": "2019-05-22T00:00:00",
    "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata"
  "end": {
    "dateTime": "2019-05-22T00:00:00",
    "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata"
  "location": { "displayName": "Leena AI" },
  "attendees": [
      "emailAddress": {
        "address": "",
        "name": "Sachin Goel"
      "type": "optional"
  "isReminderOn": false,
  "reminderMinutesBeforeStart": 15

If I try to accept the event from user it throws an error:

  "error": {
    "code": "ErrorItemNotFound",
    "message": "The specified object was not found in the store.",
    "innerError": {
      "request-id": "485528b0-dbbe-42f5-80c0-5fc91477fc31",
      "date": "2019-04-30T07:11:58"

sample request:{eventId}/accept
  "comment" : "respond from api"

It results in NotFoundError but this works from UI. I have tried different solution (updating permission, primary calendar) but nothing works

Are there any constraints with this flow at the API level?


  • The Event ID for the Event you created in your mailbox is not going to be the same as the Event ID in the mailbox.

    You need to find the message with the mailbox and then accept that id.