I have include a minimal working example below - it can be compiled using the typical pybind11 instructions (I use cmake).
I have an abstract base class, Abstract
, which is pure virtual. I can easily wrap this in pybind11 using a "trampoline class" (this is well documented by pybind11).
Further, I have a concrete implementation of Abstract
, ToBeWrapped
, that is also wrapped using pybind11.
My issue is that I have some client code which accepts an arbitrary PyObject*
(or, in the case of this example, pybind11's wrapper py::object
) and expects to cast this to Abstract*
However, as illustrated in my example, I am unable to cast the py::object
to Abstract*
I have no problem casting to ToBeWrapped*
and then storing that as an Abstract*', however this would require my client code to know ahead of time what kind of
Abstract*` the python interpreter is sending, which defeats the purpose of the abstract base class.
Is it possible to modify this code such that the client accessMethod
is able to arbitrarily handle an Abstract*
passed from the python interpreter?
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace py = pybind11;
// abstract base class - cannot be instantiated on its own
class Abstract
virtual ~Abstract() = 0;
virtual std::string print() const = 0;
// concrete implementation of Abstract
class ToBeWrapped : public Abstract
ToBeWrapped(const std::string& msg = "heh?")
: myMessage(msg){};
std::string print() const override
return myMessage;
const std::string myMessage;
// We need a trampoline class in order to wrap this with pybind11
class AbstractPy : public Abstract
using Abstract::Abstract;
std::string print() const override
std::string, // return type
Abstract, // parent class
print, // name of the function
// arguments (if any)
// I have client code that accepts a raw PyObject* - this client code base implements its
// own python interpreter, and calls this "accessMethod" expecting to convert the python
// object to its c++ type.
// Rather than mocking up the raw PyObject* method (which would be trivial) I elected to
// keep this minimal example 100% pybind11
void accessMethod(py::object obj)
// runtime error: py::cast_error
//Abstract* casted = obj.cast<Abstract*>();
// this works
Abstract* casted = obj.cast<ToBeWrapped*>();
m.doc() = R"pbdoc(
This is a python module
py::class_<Abstract, AbstractPy>(m, "Abstract")
.def("print", &Abstract::print)
py::class_<ToBeWrapped>(m, "WrappedClass")
.def(py::init<const std::string&>())
m.def("access", &accessMethod, "This method will attempt to access the wrapped type");
You need to declare the hierarchy relationship, so this:
py::class_<ToBeWrapped>(m, "WrappedClass")
should be:
py::class_<ToBeWrapped, Abstract>(m, "WrappedClass")