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Get access to C++ class created in python from C++

How to do this

c++ -> Python -> c++
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  1. C++ app is hosting python.
  2. Python creates a class, which is actually a wrapping to c/c++ object
  3. How to get access from hosting c++ to c/c++ pointer of this object created by python?

Example with code:

Imagine I have a C++ class wrapped for python (e.g. using boost.python)

// foo.cpp
#include <boost/python.hpp>

struct Cat {
   Cat (int fur=4): _fur{i} { }
   int get_fur() const { return _fur; }
   int _fur;

using namespace boost::python;

class_<Cat>("Cat", init<int>())
   .def("get_fur", &A::get_fur, "Density of cat's fur");


Now I'm hosting a python in C++. A python script creates Cat => A c++ Cat instance is created underneath. How to get a pointer to c++ instance of Cat from hosting c++ (from C++ to C++)?

#include <Python.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]);  /* optional but recommended */
  PyRun_SimpleString("from cat import Cat \n"
                     "cat = Cat(10) \n");

  // WHAT to do here to get pointer to C++ instance of Cat
   ... ??? ...

  std::cout << "Cat's fur: " << cat->get_fur() << std::endl

  return 0;

Real application The real problem is this: we have a c++ framework which has pretty complex initialization and configuration phase where performance is not critical; and then processing phase, where performance is everything. There is a python wrapping for the framework. Defining things in python is very convenient but running from python is still slower than pure c++ code. It is tempting for many reasons to do this configuration/initialization phase in python, get pointers to underneath C++ objects and then run in "pure c++ mode". It would be easy if we could write everything from scratch, but we have already pretty much defined (30 years old) c++ framework.


  • #include <Python.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      object module = import("__main__");
      object space = module.attr("__dict__");
      exec("from cat import Cat \n"
           "cat = Cat(10) \n",
      Cat& cat = extract<Cat&>(space["cat"]);
      std::cout<<"Cat's fur: "<< cat.get_fur() <<"\n";
      Cat& cat2 = extract<Cat&>(space.attr("cat"));
      std::cout<<"Cat's fur: "<< cat2.get_fur() <<"\n";
      object result = eval("cat = Cat(10)");
      Cat& cat3 = extract<Cat&>(result);
      std::cout<<"Cat's fur: "<< cat3.get_fur() <<"\n";
      return 0;