I need to give 60 sec time countdown for resend otp. and if i click verifyOtp butn then count down to be stop. and i want that otp to be expaire. in count down time resend otpbutton to be disable.. please suggest me how to set count down for resendotp.
i am getting otp in registrService().
var json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers) as! [String: Any]
let regUserStatus = json["status"] as? String
if regUserStatus == "sucess"
print("the json regggggggggggis \(json)")
let phNum = json["mobile_number"] as? Int
let status = json["status"] as? String
self.otpField = json["otp"] as? Int
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.registerButton.isHidden = false
self.sendOtpButton.isHidden = true
self.otpTextField.isHidden = true
self.resendButn.isHidden = true
self.otpcountLabel.isHidden = true
AlertFun.ShowAlert(title: "", message: "user exist", in: self)
resendButton .
@IBAction func resendOtpButn(_ sender: Any) {
print("resendotp tapped")
After you have started the OTP process you need to create a 60 seconds timer that when it expires it runs a selector method:
create a class level Timer property:
var otpTimer: Timer?
create the timer when your reg button is clicked
@IBAction func regButn(_ sender: Any) {
func startTimer() {
optTimer?.invalidate(). //cancels it if already running
optTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 60, target: self, selector: #selector(timerDidFire(_:)), userInfo: userInfo, repeats: false)
When your timer hits zero the selector will be called, and you can do whatever you want to do to expire the otp request
@objc func timerDidFire(_ timer: Timer) {
// timer has completed. Do whatever you want...
if the resend button is tapped, I think you want to restart the timer, so ...
@IBAction func resendOtpButn(_ sender: Any) {
You will probably also want to cancel the timer if your otp completes successfully, so in your success completion handler you can just do